A meat grinder ETA 0028 91010 silver color/white
With this mincer you will easily mince the meat, incl. fish, by means of you actual or new processor ETA 0033, 0030, 0028, 0023, or 2075.
The mincer features highly durable metal worm feeder, hard and sharp blade, steel plates for rough and fine mincing, metal mincing chamber, as well as attachment for production of traditional home-made smoked-meat products, such as sausages, wieners, hash-and-crumbs sausages or black pudding. Other advantages cover mechanical protection against overloading, rammer, and simple assembly, incl. easy maintenance.
Meat mincer
* Enables mincing of all types of meats and fishes
* Minces meat, fills smoked-meat products
* Metal worm feeder resistant against wearing
* High-quality hard and sharp blade
* Two steel plates of diameter 54 mm for rough and fine mincing
* Plastic attachment for whole range of traditional home-made smoked-meat products (such as sausages, wieners, hash-and-crumbs sausages or black pudding)
* Plastic attachment of diameter 30 mm for meat balls (Kebbe), which can be further filled e.g. with your favorite vegetable mixture
* High safety
* Mechanical protection against device overload
* Rammer
* Plastic hopper enabling separation and subsequent comfortable batching of the meat
* Metal mincing chamber
* Simple and quick assembly
* Easy maintenance
* Supplementary device to the ETA 0033, ETA 0030, ETA 0028, ETA 0023 food processor and the ETA 2075 mincer
Accessory type: meat grinder
Size of product:
Width: 17.0 cm
Height: 20.5 cm
Depth: 25.5 cm
Weight: 0.88 kg
Size of package:
Width: 19.6 cm
Height: 13.5 cm
Depth: 23.4 cm
Weight: 1.12 kg